Google Hacking Dork - Como usar o Google para hackear

Google Hacking Dorks: o que são e como usá-los

O Google Hacking Dorks, também conhecido como Google Hacking, é uma técnica de pesquisa que usa consultas de pesquisa avançada para revelar informações ocultas no Google. Essa técnica pode ser usada para fins legítimos, como pesquisa de segurança ou jornalismo, mas também pode ser usada para fins maliciosos, como espionagem ou sabotagem.

O que são Google Dorks?

Google Dorks são consultas de pesquisa avançada que usam operadores especiais para restringir os resultados da pesquisa. Esses operadores podem ser usados para encontrar informações específicas, como arquivos confidenciais, vulnerabilidades de segurança ou dados pessoais.

Aqui estão alguns exemplos de Google Dorks: - Busca por páginas na web do domínio

intitle:secret - Busca por páginas com a palavra "secret" no título.

inurl:password - Busca por páginas com a palavra "password" na URL.

filetype:pdf - Busca por arquivos PDF.

Como usar Google Hacking Dorks

Para usar Google Hacking Dorks, basta inserir a consulta de pesquisa na barra de pesquisa do Google. Por exemplo, para encontrar todas as páginas na web que contêm o termo "secret", você usaria a consulta de pesquisa " intitle:secret".

Você também pode usar o Google Hacking Dorks em combinação com outros operadores de pesquisa avançados. Por exemplo, para encontrar todas as páginas na web que contêm o termo "secret" e foram criadas nos últimos 30 dias, você usaria a consulta de pesquisa " intitle:secret daterange:30d".

Perigos do Google Hacking

O Google Hacking pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa, mas também pode ser perigoso. Se usado para fins maliciosos, o Google Hacking pode ser usado para coletar informações confidenciais ou causar danos a sistemas de computador.

É importante usar o Google Hacking de forma responsável e ética. Se você não tiver certeza de como usar uma consulta de pesquisa específica, é melhor consultar um profissional de segurança cibernética.

Como se proteger do Google Hacking

Existem algumas coisas que você pode fazer para se proteger do Google Hacking:

Mantenha seus sistemas operacionais e softwares atualizados.

Use uma senha forte para todas as suas contas.

Habilite a autenticação de dois fatores sempre que possível.

Use um firewall e um antivírus para proteger seu computador contra malware.

Se você é uma empresa, é importante investir em segurança cibernética. Isso inclui a implementação de medidas de segurança, como firewalls, antivírus e monitoramento de segurança.

Comandos para encontrar webcams

intitle:"Webcam" inurl:WebCam.htm

intitle:"Index of /webcam/"

inurl:webcam inurl:roma

intitle:"webcamXP" inurl:8080

intitle:"webcamXP 5" inurl:admin.html

intitle:"webcam" "login"

intitle:"yawcam" "It's a webcam!" "user" "pass"

inurl:/multi.html intitle:webcam

intitle:"webcamxp" "Flash JPEG Stream"

inurl:mobile.html intitle:webcamXP

intitle:"Web Client" inurl:"webcamera.html"

intitle:"webcamxp 5" intext: "live stream"

intitle:"IP Webcam" inurl:"/greet.html" Various Online Devices J. Igor Melo

intitle:"webcam" inurl:login Various Online Devices Aditya Rana

intitle:"WEBCAM 7 " -inurl:/admin.html Various Online Devices Nisankh Acharjya

intitle:"webcamXP 5" inurl:8080 'Live' Various Online Devices Siddhesh Thakur

intitle:"webcam 7" inurl:'/gallery.html' Various Online Devices Brain Reflow

intitle:"webcamXP 5" -download Various Online Devices anonymous

intext:"powered by webcamXP 5" Various Online Devices anonymous

intitle:webcam 7 inurl:8080 -intext:8080

"Powered By Webcards"


"WebCalendar v1.0.4"

intitle:"EvoCam" inurl:"webcam.html"

(intitle:"VisionGS Webcam Software")|(intext:"Powered by VisionGS Webcam") -showthread.php -showpost.php -"Search Engine" -site:g

intitle:"Biromsoft WebCam" -4.0 -serial -ask -crack -software -a -the -build -download -v4 -3.01 -numrange:1-10000

intitle:"active webcam page"

filetype:pl -intext:"/usr/bin/perl" inurl:webcal (inurl:webcal | inurl:add | inurl:delete | inurl:config) Vulnerable Files anonymous

intitle:"EvoCam" inurl:"webcam.html"

intitle:"my webcamXP server!" inurl:":8080"

"Active Webcam Page" inurl:8080

"powered by webcamXP" "Pro|Broadcast"

Comandos para encontrar brechas wordpress


Google to wordpress

inurl:"/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-manager/lib/php/connector.minimal.php" - Wordpress File Manager

intext:powered by JoomSport - sport WordPress plugin


intext:"TCPDFtcpdf.php on line 17778" -stackoverflow -wordpress -github

site:*/wp-admin/install.php intitle:WordPress 


intitle:"index of" intext:"Includes wordpress"

intext:"wordpress" filetype:xls login & password

intext:"the WordPress" inurl:wp-config ext:txt


inurl:"/wp-json/" -wordpress

inurl:/wp-json/wp/v2/users/ "id":1,"name":"

filetype:txt inurl:~~Wordpress2.txt

Powered by Ninja Designs This is a port of WordPress

Powered by Dayfox Designs This is a port of WordPress

"is proudly powered by WordPress"

(intitle:"WordPress › Setup Configuration File")|(inurl:"setup-config.php?step=")

"Powered by WordPress" -html filetype:php -demo -bugtraq

intitle:"WordPress > * > Login form" inurl:"wp-login.php"

Comandos para encontrar brechas no servidor Apache

Apache Struts 2.x Path Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2023-50164) Detection Dork

intitle:"Documentation Index" intext:"Apache Tomcat Servlet" inurl:"docs"

intitle:"index of" intext:"Apache/1.4"

intitle:"index of" intext:"Apache/2.2.3"

intitle:"index of" intext:"Apache/2.2.3"

ext:java intext:"import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;"

intitle:"Apache Flink Web Dashboard"

intitle:"index of" "apache.log" | "apache.logs"

intitle:"index of" "Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server"

Google Dork: intitle:"Index of" "Apache/2.4.50"

filetype:log intext:("apache2" | "htdocs")

intitle:"Index of" "Apache/2.4.49"

intitle:"index of" apache.log

intext:"This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server"

intitle:"index of" "apache-log-parser" "Port 80"

intitle:"index of" "powered by apache " "port 80"

site:*/server-status intext:"Apache server status for"

intitle:apache couchdb - futon: overview inurl:/_utils

intitle:"Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works"

intitle:"WAMPSERVER homepage" "Server Configuration" "Apache Version"

intitle:"apache tomcat/" "Apache Tomcat examples"

"Powered by Apache Subversion version"

intitle:"apache tomcat/" + "Find additional important configuration information in:"

intitle:"Apache2 Debian Default Page: It works"

inurl:"server-status" "Server Version: Apache/" "Server Built: " "Server uptime:" "Total accesses" "CPU Usage:"

intitle:"Index of" "Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server"

intitle:"Apache Status" | intext:"Apache Server Status"

intext:Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.29 | intitle:"Index of /"

intitle:"TurnKey LAMP" intext:"turnkey lamp release notes" "Apache PHP information"

inurl:"server-status" intext:"Apache Server Status"

intext:"This is Apache Hadoop release" "Local Logs"

"Futon on Apache" inurl:_utils

intitle:index.of +"Indexed by Apache::Gallery"

filetype:log intext:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs

inurl:"/munin/network-*.html" OR inurl:"/munin/apache-*.html" OR inurl:"/munin/disk-*.html" OR inurl:"/munin/system-*.html" OR inurl:"/munin/munin-*.html" OR inurl:"/munin/problems.html"

inurl:server-info intitle:"Server Information" Apache Server Information

intitle:"Apache Tomcat" "Error Report"

intitle:"Apache Status" "Apache Server Status for"

intitle:"Test Page for the Apache HTTP Server on Fedora Core" intext:"Fedora Core Test Page"

intitle:"Apache::Status" (inurl:server-status | inurl:status.html | inurl:apache.html)

intitle:"Object not found!" intext:"Apache/2.0.* (Linux/SuSE)"

intitle:"Object not found" netware "apache 1.." intitle:That.Site.Running Apache

inurl:server-info "Apache Server Information"

inurl:server-status "apache"

intitle:"Test Page for Apache"

intitle:index.of "Apache" "server at"

intitle:"Test Page for Apache" "It Worked!"

intitle:"Test Page for Apache" "It Worked!" "on this web"

"seeing this instead" intitle:"test page for apache"

intitle:"Apache HTTP Server" intitle:"documentation"

intitle:"Index of" ".htpasswd" "htgroup" -intitle:"dist" -apache -htpasswd.c

"powered by openbsd" +"powered by apache"

Comandos para encontrar arquivos pdf

RE: inurl:/wp-content/uploads/wpo_wcpdf "*.pdf"

intitle:"index of" "document*.pdf"

site:com "rfp" filetype:pdf

intitle:"index of" "CD.pdf "

intitle:"index of" "-XML.pdf "

"Warehouse Management System" Ext:pdf

inurl:mil intext:"UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO" ext:pdf

"Not for Public Release" + "Confidential" ext:pdf | ext:doc | ext:xlsx

"USB Port 1 (Public Data)" + "USB Port 2 (Public Data)" "Status" -pdf

intitle:"HD IP Camera" "Remember me" "User name" -pdf

intitle:"ePMP 2000" "notifications" "Menu" -pdf

intitle:("OnCell Web Console" | "Series Web Console" | "-HSPA Series Web" | "-HSDPA Series Web") "MOXA OnCell" "Username :" "Password :" -pdf

intitle:("WebRTU z2" | "WebRTU z1") -pdf

ext:(doc | pdf | xls | txt |) (intext:confidential salary) inurl:confidential

"change the Administrator Password." intitle:"HP LaserJet" -pdf

intitle:"Vulnerability Report" "Critical" ext:pdf

mail/u/0 filetype:pdf

intitle:"report" ("Fortify" | "Web Inspect") filetype:pdf

intitle:"report" ("OpenVAS" | "Nikto") ext:pdf OR ext:html

intext:"Not to be distributed" ext:doc OR ext:pdf OR ext:xls OR ext:xlsx

intext:"INTERNAL USE ONLY" ext:doc OR ext:pdf OR ext:xls OR ext:xlsx

intitle:"HP ALM" "Application Lifecycle Management" inurl:/qcbin/ -ext:PDF

-site:"" intext:"Scan coverage information" AND "List of tests" ext:PDF

intext:"TCPDFtcpdf.php on line 17778" -stackoverflow -wordpress -github

filetype:"xls | xlsx | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | pdf" site:gov "FOUO" | "NOFORN" | "Confidential"

"Scanned by Camscanner" filetype:pdf

intitle:"report" ("qualys" | "acunetix" | "nessus" | "netsparker" | "nmap") filetype:pdf

"keyed alike" site:gov filetype:pdf

"php class JConfig" AND inurl:configuration AND ext:"bak | old | pdf | php | txt"

type:mil inurl:ftp ext:pdf | ps

intext:"authentication" intranet password login inurl:account ext:(doc | pdf | xls| psw | ppt | pps | xml | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | xlsx | docx | mail)

inurl:department intext:"hardware inventory" firewall router ext:(doc | pdf | xls| psw | ppt | pps | xml | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw )

intext:"please find attached" "login" | password ext:pdf /preview intext:movie inurl:flv | wmv | mp4 -pdf -edit -view

hardware | software "migration" intitle:index.of ext:xls | xlsx | doc | docx | pdf

employee "training" intitle:index.of ext:doc | pdf | xls |docx |xlsx

intext:"please change your" password |code | login file:pdf | doc | txt | docx -github

intext:vmware virtual filetype:xls | xlsx | doc | pdf

intitle:"This is pdfTeX, Version"

"Declassified and Approved for Release by" filetype: pdf

"IBM Security AppScan Report" ext:pdf

intitle:"netsparker scan report" ext:pdf

"Email delivery powered by Google" ext:pdf OR ext:txt

ext:pdf intext:"Category: Password Management: Hardcoded Password" intext:"Issues)"

"Do not distribute" (ext:pdf | ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:rtf)

"SECRET//NOFORN" ext:pdf

"your default password is" filetype:pdf

"Web Application Assessment Report" ext:pdf

intext:"Web Application Report" intext:"This report was created by IBM Security AppScan" ext:pdf

filetype:pdf intitle:"SSL Report"

inurl:http | -inurl:https inurl:ftp ext:pdf taxreturn

"google confidential" filetype:pdf

"automatic teller" "operator manual" "password" filetype:pdf

filetype:pdf "acunetix website audit" "alerts summary" cv Or resume OR curriculum vitae filetype:pdf OR doc cv Or resume OR curriculum vitae filetype:pdf OR doc filetype:pdf cv OR curriculum vitae OR resume

"SnapGear Management Console" "Welcome to the SnapGear Unit!" -pdf

intitle:"Veo Observer XT" -inurl:shtml|pl|php|htm|asp|aspx|pdf|cfm -intext:observer

intitle:"DVR Client" -the -free -pdf -downloads -blog -download -dvrtop

inurl:docmgr | intitle:"DocMGR" "enter your Username and"|"und Passwort bitte"|"saisir votre nom"|"su nombre de usuario" -ext:pdf -inurl:"download.php

intitle:"Novell Web Services" "GroupWise" -inurl:"doc/11924" -filetype:pdf

intitle:"netbotz appliance" -inurl:.php -inurl:.asp -inurl:.pdf -inurl:securitypipeline -announces

intitle:iDVR -intitle:"com | net | shop" -inurl:"asp | htm | pdf | html | php | shtml | com | at | cgi | tv"

ext:(doc | pdf | xls | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | psw | ppt | pps | xml) (intext:confidential salary | intext:"budget approved") inurl:confidential

intitle:"Sipura.SPA.Configuration" -.pdf

intext:"UAA (MSB)" Lexmark -ext:pdf

"Certificate Practice Statement" inurl:(PDF | DOC)

filetype:pdf "Assessment Report" nessus

Comandos para encontrar senhas

( | & (intext:aws | intext:bucket | intext:password | intext:secret | intext:username)

site:com.* intitle:"index of" *.admin.password

# Description: filetype:xlsx "password"

db_password filetype:env intext:"password" intext:"password" "admin password"

inurl:forgotpassword.php "password"

site:*/forgotpassword.php "* password"

intitle"index of" "username" "password" filetype: xlsx

site:gitlab.* intext:password | |

intext:"Index of" intext:""

intext:"password" | "passwd" | "pwd"

intext:"untitled" intext:"password" filetype:php intext:password.txt

index of:"password" "wp-content"

intext:"password" | "passwd" | "pwd"

intext:"/pfx-password.txt" "[To Parent Directory]" intext:"unattend xmlns" AND "password" ext:xml intext:username | password | SECRET_KEY

inurl:/wp-content/uploads/ ext:txt "username" | "user name" | "uname" | "user" | "userid" | "user id" AND "password" | "pass word" | "pwd" | "pw" intext:username | password | secret_key | token


intitle:"password reset"

intext:"password" intitle:"index of"

inurl:sap/public/ intext:Logon "Password"

intitle:"index of" "passwords" gov intitle:"leak" | "breach" intext:"password" | "pw" | "pwd"

allintext:password filetype:log after:2018

ext:xls intext:/etc/passwd | inurl:password

intitle: "Index of ftp passwords"

inurl:gov filetype:xls intext:password

intitle:"index of" "/views/auth/passwords" intext:"password" | intitle:"password"

"Username" "Password" "This system is for authorized use only." intitle:"Gaia"


"Welcome to Polycom Web Configuration Utility" "Login as" "Password"

intitle:"admin panel" OR intitle:"request password" intext:"email address"

/inurl:upload ~password

intext:"Please enter the device's administrator password"

intitle:"IP CAMERA" "User Login" "User Name" "Password" "Preview Stream"

inurl "/admin/index.php" username=admin&password=password intitle:"password" 2021

intitle:untitled filetype:xls intext:password


intitle:"WEB SERVICE" "Modify Admin Password"

intitle:"PRTG Network Monitor" inurl:index.htm intext:"Password" -inurl:prtg

intitle:"prestige" intext:"Enter Password and click Login"

intext:"Login to Frappe" +"Forgot Password?" +"Reset Password" inurl:login -intitle:"My utm"

intitle:"Vue Element Admin" intext:"Username : admin" OR intext:"Username : editor" OR intext:"Password : any"

intitle:"Grandstream Device Configuration" (intext:password & intext:"Grandstream Device Configuration" & intext:"Grandstream Networks" | inurl:cgi-bin)|org

"Username" "Password" "ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved."

intitle:"Dell OpenManage Switch Administrator" intext:"Type in Username and Password, then click OK"

allintext:"*" OR "password" OR "username" filetype:xlsx

"Name" "Password" intitle:"Business LAN"

intitle:"Gargoyle Router Management Utility" intext:"Enter Admin Password"

"Name" "Password" intitle:"LANCOM 1790VA"

intitle:series "Note: It is recommended to communicate via HTTPS for entering an administrator password."

intitle:"grafana" inurl:"/grafana/login" "Forgot your password"

inurl:ip_password.htm Various Online Devices Prakash

inurl:/wp-content/uploads/ ext:txt "username" AND "password" | "pwd" | "pw"

site:* ext:xls | ext:xlsx (login | password | username)

intitle:"Advanced Setup - Security - Admin User Name & Password"

intitle:("OnCell Web Console" | "Series Web Console" | "-HSPA Series Web" | "-HSDPA Series Web") "MOXA OnCell" "Username :" "Password :" -pdf

"public $user =" | "public $password = " | "public $secret =" | "public $db =" ext:txt | ext:log -git

Copyright Huawei Technologies co. Ltd "Account" "Password"

"Username" "Password" "Please login to continue" intitle:"F670"

"Username" "Password" "Please login to continue" intitle:"F660"

"Account" "Password" "All rights reserved" intitle:"HG8245"

"cpanel username" "cpanel password" ext:txt

"password 7" ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfg

inurl: AND AND intext:password



"mailer_password:" + "mailer_host:" + "mailer_user:" + "secret:" ext:yml

site:password.*.* intitle:"login"

"change the Administrator Password." intitle:"HP LaserJet" -pdf

"define('DB_USER'," + "define('DB_PASSWORD'," ext:txt

jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433 + username + password ext:yml | ext:java

intitle:"index of" "password.yml

"'dsn: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=" ext:yml | ext:txt "password:"


jdbc:oracle://localhost: + username + password ext:yml | ext:java -git -gitlab

jdbc:postgresql://localhost: + username + password ext:yml | ext:java -git -gitlab

jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ + username + password ext:yml | ext:javascript -git -gitlab

"spring.datasource.password=" + "spring.datasource.username=" ext:properties -git -gitlab

"DefaultPassword" ext:reg "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]"

jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ + username + password ext:yml | ext:java -git -gitlab


ext:log password END_FILE intext:admin.password

"db.username" + "db.password" ext:properties

"CREATE ROLE" + "ENCRYPTED PASSWORD" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:ini -git -gitlab

ext:cfg "g_password" | "sv_privatepassword" | "rcon_password" -git -gitlab

"server.cfg" ext:cfg intext:"rcon_password" -git -gitlab

"admin_password" ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfg

filetype:log intext:password after:2015 | |

"-- Dumping data for table * " ext:sql | ext:xls intext:db | intext:database | intext:password | username

"index of" "password.ini"

"'username' =>" + "'password' =>" ext:log

intitle:"database.php" inurl:"database.php" intext:"db_password" -git -gitlab

ext:txt intext:password

ext:xls intext:password

"POSTGRES_PASSWORD=" ext:txt | ext:cfg | ext:env | ext:ini | ext:yml | ext:sql -git -gitlab

"Retrieve Your Password" site:*/recoverpassword.aspx

"/** MySQL database password */" ext:txt | ext:cfg | ext:env | ext:ini

intitle:"login to webmin" "You must enter a username and password to login to the Webmin server"

"EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD" ext:yml | ext:env | ext:txt | ext:log

allintext:"redis_password" ext:env

intext:"db_database" ext:env intext:"db_password"

allintext:username,password filetype:log


allintext:password filetype:log

inurl:passwordvault intext:cyberark


inurl:logs intext:GET https:// ext:txt intext:password intext:username

"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:" ext:env OR ext:yml -git

inurl:"index.php/user/password/" intext:Password Reset

inurl:"index.php/user/password/" intext:Password Reset


intext:"Index of /password"












intitle:"Ice Hrm Login" intext:"Forgot Password"

intitle:"index of" "passwords.xlsx"

intext:"laravel" ext:env intext:"db_password" -git

inurl:*helpdesk* intext:"your default password is"


"DBPassword" ext:cfg OR ext:log OR ext:txt OR ext:sql -git

"The default username and password is admin:admin" intitle:Login OR inurl:login.php

"MasterUserPassword" ext:cfg OR ext:log OR ext:txt -git

intitle:"index of " "*.passwords.txt"

"super password level 3 cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log

"admin password irreversible-cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log OR ext:cfg





intext:"Any time & Any where" intext:"Username" intext:"Password" intext:login intext:"View: Mobile | PC"







inurl:/forgotpassword intext:"enter username and email"

"d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password" ext:cfg

inurl:cfg intext:"srb.username.1=" "srb.password.1 = "

intext:"Please enter your new password" inurl:login filetype:php

"enable password" ext:cfg -git

password console-password ext:cfg -git

intext:authentication set encrypted-password ext:cfg

inurl:-cfg intext:"password cipher"

intitle:"index of" "passwords.yml"

intext:"please enter your username and password" inurl:login filetype:php


inurl:/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?id= intext:password

intext:"username=" AND "password=" ext:log

intitle:"Zabbix" intext:"username" intext:"password" inurl:"/zabbix/index.php"

inurl:"web.config" & intext:"Data Source" & "User ID" & "Password" & "connectionString" & ext:config -git


inurl:"/password.php" intitle:"Forgot your password"

db_password filetype:env -git


intitle:"Index of" password.txt




site:* intitle:"reset password"


inurl:"/phpmyadmin/user_password.php" -inurl:git






intitle:"Login to Webmin" intext:"You must enter a username and password to login to the server"


intext:"" intext:"password" inurl:/files/ ext:txt


inurl:/identify/ intitle:"Forgotten Password"




inurl:robots.txt site:gov + intext:password

intext:"aspx" filetype:txt login & password

site: password

site: password

intitle:"netscaler gateway" intext:password "please log on" login | password | username intitle:"assessment"

intext:"wordpress" filetype:xls login & password

s3 filetype:xls password

intext:"Login | Password" AND intext:"Powered by | username" AND intext:Drupal AND inurl:user

inurl:wp-config.php intext:DB_PASSWORD -stackoverflow -wpbeginner

ext:txt | ext:sql | ext:cnf | ext:config | ext:log & intext:"admin" | intext:"root" | intext:"administrator" & intext:"password" | intext:"root" | intext:"admin" | intext:"administrator" intext:EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD -git -stackoverflow

username | password inurl:resources/ -gitlab

intitle:vendor | supply & login | portal intext:login | email & password

inurl:login.htm "xpress" password

intext:pin | userid & password intitle:supplier | supply & login | portal

intitle:"Device(" AND intext:"Network Camera" AND "language:" AND "Password"


intext:password "Login Info" filetype:txt

filetype:xml config.xml passwordHash Jenkins

intext:"Type in Username and Password, then click Ok" intitle:"log in"

intext:"authentication" intranet password login inurl:account ext:(doc | pdf | xls| psw | ppt | pps | xml | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | xlsx | docx | mail)

filetype:reg reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER intext:password

inurl:login intext:"reset your password"

inurl:"standalone.xml" intext:"password>"

intext:"please find attached" "login" | password ext:pdf

inurl:"build.xml" intext:"tomcat.manager.password"

inurl:"" and intext:"username" and intext:"password"

"whoops! there was an error." "db_password"

intext:"rabbit_password" | "service_password" filetype:conf

intext:"please change your" password |code | login file:pdf | doc | txt | docx -github

inurl:configuration.php and intext:"var $password="

intitle:"manager area" password

"Copyright Metislab" password

intitle:"MyWebSQL" + "User ID: Password:"

"password.xlsx" ext:xlsx

filetype:env intext:REDIS_PASSWORD

inurl:"RootFolder=" Allitems "confidential" | "classified" | "passwords" | username "password"

intitle:"index.of" inurl:"cvs" login | passwd | password | access | pass -github -pub

intitle:login laboratory | "nuclear" | physics "password" authentication


intext:"this login can be used only once" inurl:user intitle:"reset password"

filetype:doc inurl:"gov" intext:"default password is" intext:mysql AND intext:password

intext:"PuTTY log" ext:log "password" -supportforums -github

inurl:"/App.Config" + ext:config + "password=" -github -git

ext:txt {"wallet_address" :", "pool_address" : " ", "pool_password" -git

Codeigniter filetype:sql intext:password | pwd intext:username | uname intext: Insert into users values

ext:ini Robust.ini filetype:ini "password"

filetype:config "" "password" "web.config" -stackoverflow -github

inurl:"config.xml" "password" ext:xml

inurl:"databases.yml" ext:yml password -github

inurl:/host.txt + filetype:txt + "password" "rcon_password"

CakePHP inurl:database.php intext:db_password

CakePHP filetype:sql intext:password | pwd intext:username | uname intext: Insert into users values

inurl:"form_id" login username password

"username" "password" intitle:"login here"

intitle:"Please login" "username" "password"

intitle:Control Panel "Login with your username and password below." +"Email" +"Powered by"

intext:password inurl:"/log/production" ext:log

intitle:tm4web login | logon | account | member | password

filetype:sql intext:password | pass | passwd intext:username intext:INSERT INTO `users` VALUES

"database_password" filetype:yml "config/parameters.yml

"database_password" filetype:yml "config/parameters.yml"

"MAIL_PASSWORD" filetype:env

ext:config + " password=" + "

"password" + ext:conf "Modem Type = USB Modem"

ext:inf SetupMgrTag AdminPassword

ext:pdf intext:"Category: Password Management: Hardcoded Password" intext:"Issues)"

inurl:"/address/speeddial.html?start" and intext:"Please configure the password" and intitle:"Brother"

"Use these fields to set or change the Administrator Password. When set, the Administrator Password is required before you can access and change configuration parameters. To disable the Administrator Password, leave the entries blank." password

inurl:"" intext:"proxyPassword"

"Sorting Logs:" "Please enter your password" "Powered By" -urlscan -alamy

intext:DB_PASSWORD || intext:"MySQL hostname" ext:txt

"resources.db.params.password" ext:ini -git

"iSpy Keylogger" "Passwords Log" ext:txt

"WEB Browser Password Recovery" ext:txt

"END_FILE" inurl:"/password.log"

"your default password is" filetype:pdf password

intitle:Login "Login to pfSense" "Password" "LLC"

intitle:"nstview v2.1::" | intext:"nsTView v2.1 :: Password: Host:" | Password ext:csv userid | username | user -example password

intitle:"DirectAdmin Login" "Please enter your Username and Password"

inurl:wp-config -intext:wp-config "'DB_PASSWORD'"

"Password=" inurl:web.config -intext:web.config ext:config

intitle:"Lost Password Reset" | inurl:/secure/pwreset.php | inurl:/portal/index.php

inurl:"cgi-bin" "No password set!" " There is no password set on this router."

inurl:wp-content/uploads filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx password

inurl:"trace" ext:axd intext:"password"

intext:"GET http://" ext:txt intext:"password" inurl:log

intext:http | https intext:login | logon intext:password | passcode filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx

inurl:"ftp" intext:"user" | "username" | "userID" | "user ID" | "logon" | "login" intext:"password" | "passcode" filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx

intext:smtp | pop3 intext:login | logon intext:password | passcode filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx

ext:sql intext:username intext:password

ext:xls intext:NAME intext:TEL intext:EMAIL intext:PASSWORD

filetype:log intext:password | pass | pw

inurl:imapuser Mail :: Welcome to Horde imp login.php password


intitle:"InterWorx-CP" "Forgot your password"

intext:DB_PASSWORD ext:env

ext:csv intext:"password"

ext:log telnet intext:password

filetype:mobileconfig intext:password OR intext:pass

"automatic teller" "operator manual" "password" filetype:pdf

intext:phpMyAdmin SQL Dump filetype:sql intext:INSERT INTO `admin` (`id`, `user`, `password`) VALUES -github

filetype:password jmxremote

ext:sql intext:password

"Welcome to phpMyAdmin" + "Username:" + "Password:" + "Language:" + "Afrikaans"

inurl:phpmyadmin/index.php & (intext:username & password & "Welcome to")

intitle:"WebMail | Powered by Winmail Server - Login" & (intext:"Username" & intext:"Password")

intitle:"Internet Security Appliance" & intext:"Enter Password and click Login"

ext:sql intext :password

inurl:admin intext:username= AND email= AND password= OR pass= filetype:xls

you really should fix this security hole by setting a password for user '.root'. inurl:/phpmyadmin intitle:localhost

filetype:xls "username | password"

2inurl:"passes" OR inurl:"passwords" OR inurl:"credentials" -search -download -techsupt -git -games -gz -bypass -exe filetype:txt OR @gmail OR @hotmail OR @rediff

filetype:cfg "radius" (pass|passwd|password)

(username=* | username:* |) | ( ((password=* | password:*) | (passwd=* | passwd:*) | (credentials=* | credentials:*)) | ((hash=* | hash:*) | (md5:* | md5=*)) | (inurl:auth | inurl:passwd | inurl:pass) ) filetype:log

filetype:php~ (pass|passwd|password|dbpass|db_pass|pwd)

inurl:ftp "password" filetype:xls

filetype:ini "Bootstrap.php" (pass|passwd|password|pwd)

filetype:sql "phpmyAdmin SQL Dump" (pass|password|passwd|pwd)

filetype:sql "MySQL dump" (pass|password|passwd|pwd)

filetype:sql "PostgreSQL database dump" (pass|password|passwd|pwd)

filetype:xls + password +

filetype:ini "FtpInBackground" (pass|passwd|password|pwd)

filetype:ini "SavedPasswords" (pass|passwd|password|pwd)

filetype:ini "pdo_mysql" (pass|passwd|password|pwd)

filetype:ini "[FFFTP]" (pass|passwd|password|pwd)

filetype:ini "precurio" (pass|passwd|password|pwd)

inurl:wp-login.php Register Username Password -echo

inurl:-cfg intext:"enable password"

"login: *" "password= *" filetype:xls

intitle:Ampache intitle:"love of music" password | login | "Remember Me." -welcome

inurl:wp-login.php +Register Username Password "remember me" -echo -trac -footwear

Please enter a valid password! inurl:polladmin

"Web-Based Management" "Please input password to login"

filetype:sql "insert into" (pass|passwd|password)

intext:"Fill out the form below completely to change your password and user name. If new username is left blank, your old one will be assumed." -edu

"Please re-enter your password It must match exactly"

enable password | secret "current configuration" -intext:the

inurl:ventrilo_srv.ini adminpassword

"site info for" "Enter Admin Password"

"your password is" filetype:log

"Mimicboard2 086"+"2000 Nobutaka Makino"+"password"+"message" inurl:page=1

intitle:"PHProjekt - login" login password

"you can now password" | "this is a special page only seen by you. your profile visitors" inurl:imchaos

intext:"Master Account" "Domain Name" "Password" inurl:/cgi-bin/qmailadmin

intext:"enable password 7"

intitle:"Content Management System" "user name"|"password"|"admin" "Microsoft IE 5.5" -mambo -johnny.ihackstuff

intitle:"Content Management System" "user name"|"password"|"admin" "Microsoft IE 5.5" -mambo -johnny.ihackstuff

intext:"Master Account" "Domain Name" "Password" inurl:/cgi-bin/qmailadmin

intitle:"Cisco CallManager User Options Log On" "Please enter your User ID and Password in the spaces provided below and click the Log On button to co

intitle:"V1" "welcome to phone settings" password

[WFClient] Password= filetype:ica

filetype:mdb "standard jet" (password | username | user | pass)

intitle:"XMail Web Administration Interface" intext:Login intext:password

intitle:"phpinfo()" +"mysql.default_password" +"Zend Scripting Language Engine"

intitle:"--- VIDEO WEB SERVER ---" intext:"Video Web Server" "Any time & Any where" username password

inurl:server.cfg rcon password

!Host=*.* intext:enc_UserPassword=* ext:pcf

"Powered by DWMail" password intitle:dwmail

ext:cgi intitle:"control panel" "enter your owner password to continue!"

filetype:sql ("values * MD5" | "values * password" | "values * encrypt")

filetype:sql ("passwd values" | "password values" | "pass values" ) "resistance is obsolete" "Report Bugs" "Username" "password"

intext:"Please enter correct password for Administrator Access. Thank you" "Copyright © 2003 SMC Networks, Inc. All rights reserved."

ext:ini Version= password

intitle:Group-Office "Enter your username and password to login"

inurl:"GRC.DAT" intext:"password"

intitle:mywebftp "Please enter your password"

inurl:changepassword.cgi -cvs

( filetype:mail | filetype:eml | filetype:mbox | filetype:mbx ) intext:password|subject

intitle:"please login" "your password is *"

"AutoCreate=TRUE password=*"

"Novell, Inc" WEBACCESS Username Password "Version *.*" Copyright -inurl:help -guides|guide

intext:(password | passcode) intext:(username | userid | user) filetype:csv


intitle:"Index of" passwords modified

inurl:lilo.conf filetype:conf password -tatercounter2000 -bootpwd -man

"Your password is * Remember this for later use"

"# Dumping data for table (username|user|users|password)"

inurl:ospfd.conf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download

inurl:zebra.conf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download

intitle:"ZyXEL Prestige Router" "Enter password"

filetype:sql password

filetype:netrc password

inurl:"wvdial.conf" intext:"password"

filetype:dat "password.dat"

filetype:log inurl:"password.log"

intitle:"eMule *" intitle:"- Web Control Panel" intext:"Web Control Panel" "Enter your password here."

filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" +intext:"defaultpassword"

filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password

filetype:cfm "cfapplication name" password


"access denied for user" "using password"

filetype:xls username password email


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